Conception Of Mean
Meaning pronunciation translations and examples.
Conception of mean. A conception of something is an idea that you have of it in your mind. An idea of what something or someone is like or a basic understanding of a situation or a. Act of forming a general idea or notion. See concept conception kən sĕp shən n.
This conception was developed further by nietzsche the idea of the dionysian cult a good screenplay is a film maker s detailed conception of the product he said some of the excitement over my lab s conception of automatically designed robots was the idea that we made a transition from the virtual world back to the real. Fertilization of oocyte by a sperm. Sometimes a woman may have a miscarriage in the pregnancy before the embryo implants or shortly after. The belief that a dream will foretell a baby s birth originates from ancient india and is found in some asian countries.
Conception doesn t always mean that a pregnancy will occur and be carried to full term. Conception synonyms conception pronunciation conception translation english dictionary definition of conception. Conception definition is the process of becoming pregnant involving fertilization or implantation or both. Conception dreams are dreams that are said to foretell the conception or birth of a child dreamt by the future mother or people close to her.
Conception definition the act of conceiving. The state of being conceived. The entity formed by the union of the male sperm and. Synonym discussion of conception.
Concept definition a general notion or idea. The formation of a viable zygote.