Define Conception Medical Terms

Something conceived in.
Define conception medical terms. An embryo or zygote. Medterms online medical dictionary provides quick access to hard to spell and often misspelled medical definitions through an extensive alphabetical listing. The onset of pregnancy marked by implantation of the blastocyst. Preconception definition is a preconceived idea.
Synonym discussion of conception. This is why they can claim to respect life from the moment of conception because they define conception as implantation instead of fertilization. Formation of a viable zygote by the union of the male sperm and female ovum. How to use conception in a sentence.
Fertilization of oocyte by a sperm. And from the latin conceptus meaning conceiving pregnancy. Conception definition is the process of becoming pregnant involving fertilization or implantation or both. A basic understanding of a situation or a principle.
Our doctors define difficult medical language in easy to understand explanations of over 19 000 medical terms. How to use preconception in a sentence. Drawing up of legal formulae. Act of forming a general idea or notion.
See concept conception kən sĕp shən n. Meaning pronunciation translations and examples. The formation of a viable zygote. The ability to form or understand mental concepts and abstractions.
This is how birth control proponents and even those in the medical community can claim on a daily basis that the pill does not end a pregnancy. The union of the sperm and the ovum. They claim also it does not cause an abortion. The onset of pregnancy marked by implantation of the blastocyst into the endometrium.
From the latin conceptio conceptionis meaning conception becoming pregnant. A conception of something is an idea that you have of it in your mind.